Monday, February 21, 2011


YAY! One good thing that seems to be taking off are the riding lessons with the Horse Society. Due to illness, snow, finals, the winter holiday, and a lack of interest, we only got out two novice lessons last semester. This semester we are moving to Tower Farms, which is much closer and only requires TWO people! YAY!

I also took a ‘lesson’ a Dryden a few weeks ago. It was really the try-outs for the international competition, but the lady was super nice and coached me over a few jumps. Didn’t make team, but that’s ok since I learned that I can still jump. Hopefully I’ll be able to take some more lessons out there since the instructor is super awesome and the horses are FANTASTIC. I absolutely loved it.


Woah, haven’t posted in nearly a month. Will fix this shortly (this post not included). Days seem to drag on when they are filled with lectures and waiting for things to happen so that you can plan more things. But at the same time, I never seem to have time to do much of anything.